Monday Mar 13, 2023

S02 E07 - Daryl Denham

For some people having two chart hit records would constitute a great achievement.

Others would be over the moon having written several successful musicals.

And plenty would rest on their laurels after giving stand-up comedy a bash.

Not Daryl Denham though.

No, no, no. Not content with taking the charts, theatres and back-rooms of pubs by storm, he also had an incredible career in radio. Well, it would be weird if he didn't, what with this being a radio podcast and all...

In this episode Foxy chats to Daryl about how he's not a radio geek (I KNOW, RIGHT?); the strange and unwieldly item he bought on his last day at Hallam; and how his adults-only, late night show didn't go down well in Newcastle.

Contains some strong language.


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